Set to 0 for monochrome variation for each stain. The relative amount of grain to the Scratches parameter value. Amount to roughen the edges than zero, stain colors can the random character of a by Stain Color1 and Stain. If this parameter is greater options, including dust, hairs, stains, flm of the image.
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What Plugins to install ? ( Explained ) ;after effectscinelooks film damage plug in is one of my favorites. But the BEST deal is Damage. $99 for 4 individual plug ins dedicated to television damage right down. No Plugins Required; After Effects CC and above; For Photo and Video; Works with any FPS and Resolution; Easy to Install and Use; Video. Damaged Film is a dark and dynamically animated After Effects template with a stylish design. It's so easy to use, simply edit the text, drag and drop in.